An international trademark registration can lower the registration costs. You apply for the desired number of countries at the same time instead of applying for each country separately and you pay a lower rate for this.
Objections limited to one country
With a registration in the international trademark register any possible objections are limited to one country. Does your trademark face opposition in one of the countries? In that case, this only influences the protection in that particular country, not the protection in the other countries. This is different in the case of a European registration: if one of the EU countries successfully objects to your trademark, you also lose the trademark right in the other EU countries.
Flexibility in territorial expansion
An international trademark registration can flexibly be expanded to more countries. If you become active in new geographic territories in a later stage, and you also want to protect your trademark in those territories, then you can easily expand the registration via a so-called “subsequent designation.” The total protection worldwide stays limited to a single registration: comprehensive and financially beneficial.
Classification of goods and services
The most important element of an international trademark registration is classification. A careful classification determines the scope of protection of a trademark and smooths any action against trademark conflicts. The Nice international classification system has 45 standard categories. We categorize your trademark’s goods or services and draft a detailed and custom-made legal description.
What rights does an international trademark owner have?
With an international trademark registration you can prohibit third parties to register or use your trademark or any trademark that’s similar to yours with similar goods or services. You do not only have the right to object to any newer international trademarks, but you have the right to object to all trademarks valid in that country, including European trademarks.
Protect your trademark worldwide now!
Do you want to register, renew or surveil your trademark in the international trademark register? Contact us without any obligations and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you. Send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 076 – 514 84 03.
Examine if your trademark can be registered internationally:
Start with a free examination and receive an informal offer including advice within 4 hours. Merk-Echt checks if your brand name can be registered worldwide.