What is copyright?

Are you the creator of a work? Then you have the copyright, provided that such work meets  certain requirements. The work should: 

  • Have its own original character 
  • Carry the creator’s personal stamp, his/her creative choices should be clearly visible in  the work 
  • Be sufficiently identifiable in a clear and precise manner. 

Does a work made by you meet these requirements? Then you are the owner of a work protected  by copyright. 

Who is the holder of a copyright?

The creator of a work is the holder of the copyright of that work. However, there are many  exceptions to this rule. For example: if your logo, branding or packaging been created by an  advertising agency, then the advertising agency could be the owner of the copyright of these  works. If you want full ownership, you can request the advertising agency to transfer the  copyrights to you in writing. Another example: when one of your employees designs something  as part of his or her job. In this example the copyright is yours as the employer. Is there any  confusion about who is the holder of a copyright? Please contact one of our experts.

Copyright sign as a warning

It is not mandatory to furnish your work with the © sign. However, by using this sign you make  clear that this work is protected by copyright. You can thus consider it as a warning sign for  others and as such, we advise you to include the following on your work: 

  • the copyright sign ©; 
  • the name of the right holder;
  • the year of the first publication. 

Duration of a copyright

Copyright expires 70 years after the creator of the work passes away, which is calculated from  January 1st of the year following the creator’s death. If a company is the holder of a copyright,  then a copyright ends 70 years after the first publication of the work. If a copyright has expired,  the work becomes part of the public domain, meaning anyone may copy, publish or modify it.

Proof of copyright: hallmark or i-DEPOT

It is useful to be able to prove that you have created a specific work. You can do this in different  ways. For example, by hallmarking a copy of the work by a notary or attorney. Another option, that is just as safe but cheaper, is to let us log the idea for you in an i-DEPOT. With i-DEPOT  you record the date of creation of a concept or idea with the authorities. Should another party  (especially a big company) claim that a certain creation is theirs, you can then easily prove with  this document that your idea already existed. 

Want to know more about copyrights?

Is your copyright being infringed? Or do you want to know if a certain work is protected by  copyright or when a certain work is free of copyright protection? Our Intellectual Property  experts are ready to provide you with advice on copyright protection. Please call 076 – 514 84 03 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Ask your question

We are happy to advise you on copyright.

Transfer of copyright

Copyright can be transferred. For the transfer, you will need a signed statement: a deed of assignment. Transfer via the Terms and Conditions is namely not legally valid. 

A copyright is a property right: the creator of a work can decide to transfer his copyright to someone else. According to the Dutch Copyright Act, a transfer of copyright must be in writing and the deed of assignment must be signed. This way, there is proof of the rightful transfer of the copyright in writing. 

In this deed of assignment (a ‘private deed’) the parties must record exactly what is being transferred. Beware: there’s no transfer of what’s not mentioned in the deed of assignment. 

The drafting of this deed of assignment is done at one’s own risk. Want to outsource this? Ask our IP-counsels to draft you a custom-made deed of assignment: we will then take full responsibility. 

Download a transfer of copyright
Copyright 1